
September 20, 2017

St George Sikousis Syllogos, LTD
44‐01 Broadway
Astoria, New York 11103

Dear Beloved Horiani,Many of you, for many years, have been asking and wondering what has happened to the St. George Sikousis Silogo (established in 1967, NY).  We are happy to announce that the Syllogo has been reborn and legally established as a non‐profit organization. The old Syllogo (1967, NY) is no longer in existence due to inactivity and no annual filings with the IRS to retain its non‐profit status.

We would like to inform and update you as to what has happened in the past year and for next year. The working board of trustees consists of John Bougiamas, John Pilavas, and Panayiotis S. Billis. All three (especially John Bougiamas who has taken the lead) have dedicated their time, efforts, and financial support to accomplish the following:

1. Establish the new Syllogo ‐ ST GEORGE SIKOUSIS SYLLOGOS, LTD
2. Filed and approved by the IRS as a non‐profit organization.
3. Established Tax‐Exempt Status.
4. Created a new set of By‐Laws.
5. Opened a bank account.
6. Planned events for next year in honor of our Horio’s 500th year Anniversary (Please note included Save the Date’s)7. English Translation of the Book (History of our Horio) by Peter Mavrogeorgis.

1. Vasilopita & Elections on February 11, 2018 (Prophet Elias Orthodox Church, Yonkers, NY).
2. Dinner/Dance in honor of the 500th year Anniversary in the founding of our Village on November 10, 2018 (Location: TBD).

Sincerely Yours,
The Working Board of Trustees